As you will see there are numerous colorful orbs floating about... In these images the moon would have been behind me and just below tree level so there is no moon in these images!

The following two images are orb activity that I recorded at Coon Hill Cemetery on the evening of 3JUNE06.

The above images are orb activity that I recorded at Coon Hill Cemetery on the evening of 3JUNE06. These are just a few of the images that I recorded that night. If you will look closely you will see there are lines running through the images...I was using a digital camera and there was distinct interference while I was photographing the images. It shows up as the lines in the photos of the orbs.
I have added my copyright to these images so please be kind and DON'T TAKE THEM!!! :)
These are all that I will post for now. They are not re-touched. The only thing done to them is to put my copyright info on them due to the fact of high "borrowing" incidents here on the web....

These two photos just above this sentence were just two of the unfortunate subjects that were defiled and destroyed! The story for them is here on my site. You can click on the photo of Sallie Williams's grave photo and it will take you to the page where you can get the story of what occurred!!
My ex-husband and I found the vandalism on Saturday 6/10/06 and we reported this all to the SRSO and a Crime Scene Unit was dispatched.... Hopefully the evidence that was collected will lead to the arrest and convictions of the person/persons responsible for such a heinous crime!!